I say this in the most supportive way possible. You have said many times that people around you are saying something is wrong with the way your child is spelling all of the time, not playing with toys appropriately, not interacting with peers. You said he plays with older kids but is he playing like older kids (pretend play, for example?) or are they just more accepting of the fact that he doesn't want to play? I'd get him tested. It's possible he is highly gifted AND has Asperger syndrome, in which case he will still be the amazing, brilliant kid you know and love and he can still live a happy full life but he's going to benefit from very specific support and you are going to have a lot of new things to learn about how best to help him. From your posts it sounds like you are very scared of a diagnosis other than gifted and very defensive when people around you are saying something might be wrong (understandably). However, it also sounds like it is very possible there is something in addition to a high IQ going on. The neuropsych will be able to tell you. It's really going to be ok, a diagnosis is not a death sentence at all and will only help him get support to lead a happier life.

Good luck and I hope you get the answers you are looking for. If people want to argue with you about your decision to get him tested just tell them your doctor advised you do it and you are taking your doctor's advice, even if it means wasting some time.

Last edited by MotherofToddler; 08/29/12 04:43 AM.