Isaiah09, my two cents-- it will be very important that the evaluator have expertise in autism spectrum disorders, since that is what you are trying to rule in or out.

We found that with my extremely precocious DS that the school district and many private evaluators failed to make correct evaluations, saying he was "bright but quirky"-- when he really had a disability, Asperger's, that needed remediation. We lost a lot of years that could have been spent on therapy. It is very easy for a practitioner who is only familiar with "classic" autism to look at a gifted child with autism and not see the autism at all, because the gifts make it much harder to see the disability.

The "Misdiagnosis" book says that gifted kids are often misidentified as having disabilities, and that may be true; but in our case we saw that they can also be underdiagnosed because of their giftedness, with serious negative implications.
