Originally Posted by Val
Originally Posted by Old Dad
Perhaps the solution is in taking a page out of the college notebook and offering diplomas with different requirements (majors) or a HS diploma (basic), another with honors, another with honors and distinction.

Yes, other countries do that. It makes sense.

It would also be reasonable to offer different math courses: basic algebra and honors algebra, basic geometry and honors geometry, etc., as is often done with English classes.

New York state has long offered a Regents Diploma. Quoting Wikipedia,

"Regents Examinations are statewide standardized examinations in core high school subjects required for a Regents Diploma in New York State. In the past, Regents Diplomas were optional and typically offered for college bound students. In recent years graduation requirements have been made more stringent, and currently all students are required to receive a Regents Diploma, and therefore most students, with some limited exceptions, are required to take the Regents Examinations. To graduate, students are required to have earned appropriate credits in a number of specific subjects by passing year-long or half-year courses, after which they must pass Regents Examinations in some of the subject areas. For higher achieving students, a Regents with Advanced Designation and Honors designations are also offered."

Barron's publishes many study guides for the Regents exams, which can be found on Amazon by searching (for example) "regents algebra". They are inexpensive either new or used and get mostly good reviews.