I'll just briefly mention that I believe it's important to keep Algebra 1 as a requirement for high school graduation, as well as (jmo) I believe it's a level of math that the majority of people *can* succeed at. I won't go any deeper into philosophy or debate smile

I did want to add one thing that I think hasn't been mentioned, in support of requiring all students to take Algebra. There are kids who don't get excited or turned on by math in elementary school that *do* discover math is interesting and fun once they get to Algebra - I've known a few kids who went into Algebra kicking and screaming and truly believing they weren't "math-brains" who all of a sudden started to "get math". Even in my own school experience, I was always good at math but never really thought much about it until I took Algebra, started seeing the real-world connections, and that's where my love of math took off.
