Hi, just saw this thread and wanted to add a piece to the puzzle. Working memory is a shared space for all the conscious/near-conscious stuff going on in the mind.

If your child is curious, analytical, and creative then what may really be going on is they are running a good percentage of their working memory on entertaining thoughts and looking for deeper understandings.

If my basic wm has 9 good buckets in it, I may have two working on something curious I saw earlier. If you ask me to remember 7 numbers, I may eat another bucket or two noticing patterns between the numbers rather than just the mundane dropping them into the buckets. Suddenly I seem to have only five buckets!

So maybe intentional and active focus are the skills that need support and not so much memory itself. Many non-educational games like time management ones (e.g. run your own restaurant) can support that type of focus.