La Texican, thanks for the info and your thoughts. My son at issue is 6 1/2. Oddly, he does well in reading and math comprehension etc. But you're right - he is not eagar to work on them (though he loves to be read to) (however much of that could be attriuted to his vision problem and his hypotonia, which is why when those issues are treated the attention and WM improve). But surprishingly he does really well in them - hhe is scoring ahead of his peers at school. He has great long term memory. But is the spacey kid - the kind you can say "go brush your teeth, put on your clothes then come down and put on your shoes and don't forget to bring your socks with you!" And then you find him making up a story in the bathroom with nothing done - maybe he got his teeth brushed. And he'll be like "Oh I forgot what did you want me to do again?" LOL

So hglad to hear maturity and edication help!