Thanks for the suggestions all! I will incorporate them into our "game night" (when we actually have that frown - we try but between work, therapies, soccer, homework, stories, bath, etc. etc. we often don't get around to doing 'game night' on a consistent basis). The computer games that help are handy b/c I can give those to DS to play while I cook dinner for example or do dishes. Or workbook type acivities I could slip into homework, etc. Also verbal games that we play while drving in the car are handy. Like yesterday during our 20 minute drive to the pool I tried a verbal game Eides suggested (which is just listing numbers and seeing if the kids could give the list back to me in backwards order). They got into it being a "game."

Thanks, Grinity, I will check out your blog.

Polarbear - I hear you! I am glad to hear that it does also improve with maturity. Thanks for sharing that. Apparently, it was once thought to be fixed (according the Eides book). But research is showing that playing certain games, ect. have a big impact. It is good to know (and a relief) that maturity also plays a factor (it also makes sense). A lot of the complaints that I and teachers have about DS I realize now are directly related to his poor working memory. I just want to find a way to work on it over the summer and hope to see some improvement in the fall when he starts school.

Thanks again all!

Last edited by marytheres; 06/24/12 02:01 PM.