My own DDs WMI improved from the 13th to 80-90th percentiles in about 2.5 yrs, we did a course of OT, cranio sacral physio, piano, swimming, remediation at school, ummm not sure what else. And then diet. I am pretty sure the diet had the biggest impact. She's vastly improved, but she's still definitely ADD, though unmedicated as she can't tolerate the meds.

Howler Karma - there is a massive growth in the Executive functions in adolescence - but it's a use it or loose it development, all the pathways not used are pruned away soon after. A kid with ADD who is so dysfunctional that they can't make good use of that developmental surge is going to end up worse off. This is the arguemwnt of one prominent paed here in Australia for medication - give the child the medical support they need to be normally functional and tHus allow the other therapies and discipline you want to use to work so that when that surge hits they get maximum benefit and hopefully stop medication.