Working memory is the cognitive function responsible for keeping information online, manipulating it, and using it in your thinking. It is the way that you delegate the things you encounter to the parts of your brain that can take action. In this way, working memory is necessary for staying focused on a task, blocking out distractions, and keeping you updated and aware about what’s going on around. you.

According to his WISC IV scores my son's working memory is low (it is often low in ADHD/ADD kids although my son has not been diagnosed . So, I am reading "The Mislabled Child" book and Eides talks a bit about how thiscan be improved greatly. It also explained certain annoying behaviors of my son's. Now, since he's been diagnosed with a the vision problem I believe and am told that such a problem affects attention and working memory and both will improve once the vision problem is treated (something like b/c his vision is deficient and b/c his brain has to work so hard on just seeing and seeing properly it affects the power going to the function of his working memory and attention.) However, it is soooo correlated with success in life and school I would love not to just wait for vision therapy to help but do excercises/games to specifically improve it.

I have to say I never played many of those games you mentoned LOL ... I have great worjing memory.

I found some computer games that are suppose to work it! Eides gives some ideas too. And I was just wondering if anyone hear could recommend any! Thanks!

Also that link I linked is an entire system suppose to help improve the WM in ADHD kids etc. But it is too expensive for us right now!!!