Originally Posted by JonLaw
Originally Posted by Madoosa
When I say to my kids that it's time to stop playing computers (for example) and they moan about it, I feed their wishes: "I bet when you are an adult you will play on the computer all day!" Sometimes they just need to know that you UNDERSTAND them and their desires and they then understand that its just not possible and they they are able to switch off the PC (or whatever else it is) quite happily.

Well, playing on the computer all day is certainly one way that you can go through life as an adult.

So, it's quite within the realm of possibility, it's just not a healthy way to experience life.

I'm not saying what I want him to do with his life as an adult. I am fulfilling his immediate desire in a fantasy. It helps him understand that I HEAR him, that I GET him in the moment. He knows that its not reasonable or realistic even, and he knows that after too long on the PC he is a grumpy and tired kid. But he loves that I understand how he is feeling right there. And I do get it because I have on occasion played a good computer game till 3am, or eaten cake for breakfast, or spent the day in my pajamas or whatever.

As adults we have the choice. Kids dont really. and thats often all they want. To know that we get how they are feeling in that moment.

Mom to 3 gorgeous boys: Aiden (8), Nathan (7) and Dylan (4)