I find it interesting that the term "old soul" has been used in this topic, because that's a term often used to describe gifted kids.

When my DD began expressing these kinds of ideas, I was quick to show her what the grass looks like on the other side. For example, when she said she wanted to be an adult because we don't have to answer to any rules, I explained the criminal justice system.

I have also explained how so many of our rules are based on protecting her rights, which is why they're non-negotiable, because we're not allowed to violate her rights. For example, I've told her she can't stay up late on a school night because she has a right to good health and a good education, and adequate sleep plays an important role in both. The subtext in this conversation is that her parents are not arbitrarily exercising power because she's small... we're simply responding to an obligation that's bigger than both of us.

This has also allowed us an easy way to discuss children in foster care without getting too deep into the discussion. "Those kids get taken away because their parents didn't respect their rights." Nuff said.