I have just been reading these but when I read Lori H, I thought wow. I cannot imagine. I cannot imagine a lot of stuff about people's attitudes, being from Canada. I come from a small city, 60 miles due north of Detroit. And in the early 70s, one of my Phys Ed teachers lived with this English teacher, both women. It didn't stop the English teacher from becoming head of the dept. Nobody did anything to them. They were living together. A dark skined man became mayor in the 70s, when .01% of the population in our town was dark skinned.

I don't understand the bullying. I don't understand the parents that bring up these children. A head in the toilet?

It is more interesting this year when I see which children my child wants playdates with. I understand she has her buddies, but I also see the cliques starting at this age, in grade 2. I can see her developing to being part of the group at the popular table and I don't care for it. Though in NYC, popular is relative.

A mother told me that her daughter, going to a private school has to deal with these really rich kids. Now this family lives in a $10 million apt. The husband is a hedge fund lawyer. And she is talking about kids that have charge accounts at 12 to buy whatever they want, a la some Disney character but in real life.

I am digressing now but it is interesting where this world is going. How safe are our kids when they venture out? What age can they take the bus or subway alone? This grandmother who I had the adventure with, told me she grew up in Brighton Beach and at 10 she took the subway into Manhattan to see a movie or go to the museum, by herself. I cannot imagine that today.

We are at the beach today and there is construction being done at the house next door. When my daughter was getting chilly on the beach, I wouldn't let her go by herself to get a sweatshirt, one of the "free ranging" allowances at the beach. I kept thinking one of these workers could grab her. In the middle of the day, in front of everyone. My fear factor in this day and age.

Though I probably do things others wouldn't. There is a jetty where the innercoastal starts made of a pile of rocks. Some closer to each other and some not so much. A few years ago, I took her out. It was a journey. It was an ordeal to make it to the end but I promised her. And I am athletic, her father could never have made it so I had to do it. And we had to stop a few times and figure it out and hold her hand to make sure she didn't fall. But at the same time, it was a cool thing to do.

I want DD to be smart about taking risks, but also find out the enjoyment of succeeding. Then you hear about the boy who got grabbed outside his school. Seven years old but he fought the guy off. Can you imagine some guy grabbing a kid as he went into school? My heart drops at the thought.

It was very interesting to hear everyone's "dilmema" on how to deal with these issues.
