Pru- I am sorry to hear about the struggles that your family has gone through. You are right, TBI's can be terrible things with catastrophic consequences and taking prudent measures to prevent them is certainly a valid concept. On the other hand, however, I would also ask that those reading this take into consideration the parts of you comments that remind us all of how fragile and short life can be. As you stated, quite correctly, TBI's don't have to come from a major accident or trauma. They can be caused be something as simple as slipping on the stairs or falling from a step ladder. Please, take caution in your life where necessary (i.e. requiring seat belts, booster seats, bike helmets) but don't become so scared as to impact the quality of experience you or child is allowed to have. Life is short and no one among us will ever truly know what lies in store for us five minutes from now so don't forget to live life to its fullest. Try not to be so cowed by the dangers of living that you forget to actually live.