So sorry you're having this trouble. We did apply for DYS for our DD8 (in 3rd grade) because we were also having trouble with her current teachers; the thing is though, although they offer to advise/help (and we passed this along, believe me!), the school/teachers have to be willing to listen--ours have shown zero interest in learning anything about gifted, and relied on what I have come to believe is a bogus evaluation suggesting ADHD, ODD, Aspergers, and dysgraphia. I think it's bogus because I've read James Webb's Misdiagnosis book and don't think she meets the criteria, plus the evaluation was based largely on questionnaires from the current teachers--who can't stand DD. Very disappointing, because the previous two years
at the same school (and literally the same Montessori classroom) with different teachers were just wonderful. Regardless, my understanding is that Davidson accepts any kid who can meet the criteria (and they accepted us!); the tests and scores they accept are posted on their site (but as Quantum2003 points out there are also alternatives). And it is free!! and really a wonderful resource; I am so glad that for example this site exists. I just think if you're already "one of those parents" it may not do you any good. We also became "those parents" this year, even though we tried our darndest to be respectful and cooperative--but at some point you do have to speak up and advocate, and even though we thought we were still being respectful I guess all that mattered was that we disagreed with the teachers.

Best of luck dealing with this.
Take care,