I know the concerns some have expressed about why she struggled on school work. I have a DS9 who has been accelerated 2 grade levels in Math and Music. He struggled through 1 and 2nd grade math before the advancement. His struggle was from boredom. Now that I think about it, I experienced the same thing back in grade school till I was placed in a TAG program.

But DD6.5 could do any skill, but lacked the focus to be able to complete longer assignments, pay attention in class, focus during activities without wandering. In other settings it was the same. She intuitively learned to read music. But couldn't sit through a 20 minute lesson (or 5 minutes) without wandering off. Swim lessons were a nightmare!

It took us a long time to wrap our minds around the Duel Diagnosis. How could our kid be so bright, read at age 4, pick up any math skill instantly, make art like Picasso, and still need assistance from an aid in the room? And I know her Imagination-Overexcitablity really feeds into her distractability. But if this medication helps her deal with her ADD symptoms without hindering her wonderful giftings then we are going to give it a chance for HER. I want her to be able to keep up with her peers. And her spaciness was beginning to hold her back.

We have a game plan. That is to keep the dose as low as possible and to keep using strategies from 'Smart But Scattered' to improve her executive skills. We hope to get her off the medication down the road once she has developed coping methods to be successful. We are also monitoring her for the common side effects (reduced appetite, nightmares, insomnia, etc) and seeing her doctor weekly. Not to mention that we are getting her a total evaluation from the Belin-Blank Center in Iowa City in three weeks. This wasn't an easy decision, or one we rushed into. The school didn't push us into this. Nor did a doctor make a rush to judgement. This decision was a long, labored one by all involved.

MOST OF ALL, we are watching her creative output. She has always been such a gifted artist and builder. If those activities were diminished (as an artist myself) I would stop this little experiment immediately! We will do whatever it takes to help her succeed. I believe I am raising a future Leonardo di Vinci. We hope this will help her succeed.