Originally Posted by Art Guy
We entered terrified, but we left with hope that things are going to better.
I was wondering - Art Guy - what kind of responses you were hoping to get from your original post.

I'm wishing that people didn't want to turn this thread into a political discussion of the wider implications of ADHD in America, but I realized that I'm not you, and this might be exactly what you were looking for.

On rereading, I'm thinking that you might be looking for me to say: 'Wow, good job in going that extra parenting mile. BB sounds exciting. I hope you find the medication that opens doors for your DD right off the bat. One never has all the answers one needs to make these important decisions, but it sounds like you are doing everything in a good way - that's the nature of parenting, one has to jump in a try.'

Which is how I feel.

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