I was reading this yesterday and found it to be very interesting. You might as well.

The book Simplicity Parenting is really great, too. She apparently got, I think, 68% of the kids in her study functioning so well that they no longer qualified for the diagnosis. It is very worth reading.

We are a pretty "crunchy" family and do whatever we can naturally before going with meds. My DH is convinced ADHD isn't even a real diagnosis and / or that it might be caused by many different things (chaotic lifestyle? certain things in processed foods? simple boredom, because school is a prison? or maybe a real disease caused by environmental toxins?)

I think I would never medicate a young child, but I'm not in your situation, so I don't really know what is going on. I just know these drugs can have serious long term effects...though some of them haven't even been studied well enough.

My sister and her friends took Adderall in college to get better grades. She even managed to get a diagnosis. She does not have it. Taking speed to do homework and study is just so sad and pathetic. ;(

Last edited by islandofapples; 01/28/12 08:56 PM.