
It's a real shame his preschool doesn't appreciate his strengths. We switched ds out of a preschool earlier this year for reasons like that, it was just over-focussed on structure and group obedience.

The future for creative preschoolers is a subject close to my heart subject as we are trying to decide what to do with ds4 for next year, with the default being the local public K. Currently he is in a montessori-esque play based preschool and reasonably happy there and they do see his creativity as a strength, which is wonderful. When he refuses to go along with activity rules there they just let him do his own thing (ie with a memory game he might use all the pieces to construct a fantasy world where everything comes in pairs, or save all the animal pieces from a flood, etc).

Took ds to a educational specialty type psychologist who said formal school will be hard for him no matter when we do it or in what way, but we should look for alternative approaches for the early grades (mentioned Waldorf and a private gifted, both too distant to commute. Or leaving him in preschool as long as possible, which I think might bore him to tears). Called him strong willed with a strong fantasy life. They thought he would be unhappy in a traditional K. So we're not sure what we will do next year. Move?
