I'm not sure my DD8 had quite that depth at that age because she keeps alot of stuff inside her head. Also, I didn't send her to full time preschool until she was 4 and it was an academic based preschool, though she did excell there. Kindergarden was another story (and the next 2 1/2 years) and now, yes, we homeschool...

But I agree with epoh that a different school might be a better fit...I don't know why any school would label a 3.5yo non compliant. It's not like he's hurting other kids or running around in circles during quiet story time or something, right?

I have learned quite a bit about the difference between Montessori, play based preschools and academic based ones (chains like KinderCare). My younger DD (almost 5) gets "wild" in play based schools...she dumbs down and regresses. She is doing much better in an academic PreK/K program...

I agree that a Montessori might be better for him or if you have a charter school that you think would be a good fit when he is ready for regular school, maybe they have an associated preschool or you could ask that school what area preschool they reccommend?

Honestly, if I was in that situation with a kid that age, I'd be looking for another school...

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...