Since you are in Texas, you might want to have him tested in Arizona by Dr. Behnkin. He is consindered to be one of the premier authorities on GT kids and he is WAY cheaper than the GDC. Plus, I know a few people that have had issues with the GDC, including their need to use the SB-LM, a test that was put aside years ago by everyone else in the GT world. It tends to give really, really high scores. When I called them about testing my son, they indicated that rather than use extended norms, they would use the LM. By the time I was done with the phone consult at a cost of 225. I was convinced it was not the place for my son.

I have Dr. B's info if you want it. IQ and achievement for 1000. and they are very good.

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!