I'm not even sure they're concerned that he's 2E since that's already been ruled out by the first psychologist (unless they don't trust his report or think things have changed and they're just not telling me). I think they just don't know what to make of his behavior and they're just trying to figure it out. We're sure he's not 2E. I think he's just quirky, bored and lacking in social skills.

I think I might call off the IQ test, even thought they've already started it. I'm not sure what they're looking for there either. He said it's two yrs old and they just want a more accurate picture of him academically. Ummm...I don't think there's any doubt that he's gifted and I don't think an updated IQ test will tell them anything they don't already know. Ugh...I hate to say it, but I'm concerned that they might use it against him if he scores even just a bit lower: "see, he's not really that gifted, I guess we don't need to accelerate him after all" Horrible to think this way, maybe I'm being too neurotic. I think they should just test him (benchmarks) to see where he is academically as far as curriculum goes and that's it. As far as behavior goes, I'm still up in the air about this.

A trial run in a different class might be interesting, I'm not so sure they will be amenable to this. I'll suggest it and see what happens. I think this is similar to the step-by-step approach that Grinity has also suggested.