Originally Posted by bbq797
I'm not even sure they're concerned that he's 2E since that's already been ruled out by the first psychologist (unless they don't trust his report or think things have changed and they're just not telling me). I think they just don't know what to make of his behavior and they're just trying to figure it out. We're sure he's not 2E. I think he's just quirky, bored and lacking in social skills.

I don't think he sounds 2E either. However, imo wanting to have him evaluated by a psychiatrist implicitly suggests that they think something is "wrong". I personally wouldn't do it unless they gave me a really good reason why.

Originally Posted by bbq797
I don't think there's any doubt that he's gifted and I don't think an updated IQ test will tell them anything they don't already know. Ugh...I hate to say it, but I'm concerned that they might use it against him if he scores even just a bit lower: "see, he's not really that gifted, I guess we don't need to accelerate him after all"

Especially if he is a DYS, I see no point in retesting his IQ, especially by someone who's qualifications and motives may be questionable. Best case scenario is that they find out what they already know. Worst case is what you describe here. I don't see what is to be gained.

I don't really see what harm could come of him visiting the classroom for a day or two.