Fastcar, I think you have two problems with the school psychologist. Firstly she is still thinking in "old" numbers, which may be what are shown on the department policies she has access to. The SA one still refers to WISC3 and has incorrect iq/log correlations for WISC4 or sb5. Your second problem is that you gave her the hoagies table, and that has probably really thrown her.

I personally think that the davidson approach is more accurate (ie that the sb5 and wisc4 should be fairly directly comparable). Hoagies Is a fantastic reasource, but if she doesnt know the site then it will carry no weight with her. She's probably concluded you are desperately seeking proof on random websites to show that your ds is PG when he's not (ie she thinks you are one of "those" parents, pushy and deluded).

At the back of your report there should be a section dedicated to the level of giftedness that applies to your son. I am guessing it will say highly gifted. That section of the report is what you should use with school to outline his LOG.