Hi again fastcar. I believe the SBV doesn't use those kinds of definitions (exceptionally gifted etc) and therefore your report might not show them (we, like you, only have reference to highly advanced etc). If you look at page 7 of the link I referenced in my previous post in this thread it compares the current test to the old and would put 139 in the highly gifted range on that basis (in so far as they can be compared). The report was done in 2003, when the SBV was released and Ruf mentions in the report there are kids who scored 180 on the old SB L-M who scored around 130 on the SBV, but then so did kids who scored 130 on the old test... Kid's scored on the old tests and new aren't really comparable it would appear.

From memory (it's a long time since I read it all) stated in the document that there needed to be more research done in to the percentiles as time went by and the SBV was more widely used, but I don't know if that research has been done - certainly last time I looked Rivereside Publishing was not referencing it online. At the moment, if you're wanting an 'official' comparison between old and new scores (and something to base a LOG on), this document probably your best bet (other than speaking to the tester of course!)

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke