Thx for the replies! A bit more background...

The reason we ended up testing was a result of a suggestion from the teacher, and I guess 'knowing' as parents that our son was very special from a very young age. We did testing through a very well reputed gifted specialist psychologist who was the most recommended in our country (Australia). I couldn't be happier with him, the process and the standard of the report (oh, and the results!). I have actually heard that gifted specialists can get 'higher' results from the testing, so that is an interesting point.

I am also really happy with the school so far, they take on our ideas and offer some good in-class enrichment and extension activities. His teacher is wonderful with him, but in a class of 27 kids it is hard for her to give different levels of homework, so we're working on that now.

I asked for a meeting with the teacher and Principal this week, and ended up meeting just with the school psych (teacher couldn't get class relief and Princ was away) who said we'd need to arrange another meeting next week with the teacher and Principal! Frustrating.

I've asked them in an email what sort of things I would like to investigate for next year including subject acceleration (we decided against grade accel as our son is socially really happy with his peers at the moment), I also wanted to see if we can select his Year 1 teacher now and get them involved in these meetings now, as there are only 8 weeks of this school year left.

So in all honesty, my problem is with the school psych. She is not experienced with gifted kids, and I just do not have any level of faith that she knows what she is talking about. Which is why I got a bit annoyed when she wanted to do another test on our son, after we'd just gone and got what is known as one of the best gifted specialists in Australia to do a very detailed SB5. I deliberately didn't get testing done through the school because the school psych would have conducted it. I'm at the point where I want to ask the Principal if we can just focus on meeting with her and the teacher, as I feel that its an educational things we're talking about, not a psychological problem that the school counsellor needs to be involved in.

I don't know anything about achievement testing, but our son did on-entry testing at the start of this school year, which I am getting the results for and I assume it is similar to an achievement test?

I appreciate the feedback!