Mimmy - speaking only if my own personal sample of 2 children, both have tested first with a generalist psychologist usings wechsler tests, then by a gifted specialist using the SB5 (still waiting for full reports but have verbal info).

When I heard tester#1 say "I've never seen that before" after one of my DD#2s subtests I asked how many gifted kid she sees and she told me about 12 a year. It was obvious to me that she could not tell when DD#2 was bored and annoyed v. lost and confused. DD still tested well but there were a few subtests that I felt were clear underestimations and a few where she hit ceilings. I was told by the gifted specialist that she definitely tested higher and more even than the first time around.

DD#1 is 2e and also less gifted, but again has tested higher with someone who "got" her.

Neither of them have shifted by a whole standard deviation (I don't think), they still have the same basic pattern and approximate LOG, but the picture is clearer and I feel more accurate. In particular both girls tested weaker in what I believe to be their area of strength with the first tester (visual spatial), but stronger in this area with the second. Possibly my kids are just better suited to the SB5 but I think it was also about rapport and pacing.