Originally Posted by fastcar
So please, in a nutshell what do the results tell you?

Hi fastcar, welcome to the board.

To my untrained eye, your child looks great. No major weakness, no LD flags, working memory and processing look great (do not take that for granted!), gifted.

How gifted? I think I'd wait a year or two and retest with the WISC. I read somewhere that about 7-8 years old is a good time to do IQ testing. You want to do it early enough that the likelihood of hitting ceilings is lower.

I wonder about achievement testing. Did your psych offer it? I'm talking off the top of my head but maybe the school could administer that type of test? Is the child too young? Maybe someone else could chime in here.

Would you elaborate on why you were feeling despondent about the results? Were you trying to get certain accomodations from the school? Grade skip? Enrichment? Would you mind telling us a little more about what drove you to get testing?

Last edited by herenow; 10/21/11 06:21 AM.