Originally Posted by Polly
Hi Austin,

What did the 5 year olds at Mr W's montessori spend their time doing?

They stayed in "primary" until they started in-house K or went to K somewhere else. The same room Mr W was in. The teacher claimed they "worked" with them but I did not see any evidence of it.

Originally Posted by Polly
Hi Austin,
That Mr. W moved through everything available to him in 4 months concerns me some. I do worry with a small class size and limited materials perhaps DS will be bored in 4 or 6 months. It certainly seems like those 4 or 6 months would be happier ones than at the current place though, so probably worth it even if the fit only lasted that long.

Mr W has bounced around a bit. He was a preemie but with a high apgar and mature enough lungs so he went home like a normal baby. When we put him in daycare and he got sick a lot. So we pulled him out and got a nanny. She was great but Mr W was manipulating her. We then looked around for toddler care but Mr W was very advanced, ie already keyboarding, doing puzzles, yet still in diapers. We realized it would not be fair to him to put him in with other toddlers nor would it be fair to ask for him to be in preschool while in diapers. So, we found a home schooler who did in home daycare. That lasted about six months. We then put him in the Montessori right before he was 2. He was in their 2-3 class yet was reading, adding, doing any puzzle, and played with the kindergartners on the computer and their games. He moved up to primary at 2.5 and when he turned three the behavior issues began. It took us a couple of months to clue in and then we moved him again after a month of searching.

So, daycare, nanny, homeschooler daycare, montessori toddler, montessori primary, and now academic preK. It was either Kriston or Grinity who said you had to listen to your kids and make changes as they change.

Mr W will bounce along for a few weeks then make huge leaps. He will really get into something for a month or two then move to a new level. So, I hope this school can stay ahead of him, but it probably won't given past performance. Maybe once he can read at a 3rd grade level, he can sit by himself and read or do ALEKS as in place acceleration.

Last edited by Austin; 10/12/11 06:22 PM.