Originally Posted by annette
You are in a public school district that offers a PG program for Kindergarteners? That's amazing.

You are very lucky. I'm jealous!

Don't get too excited. One district will ability group them from 1st on, but the curriculum is really just working two grades ahead. Its fine for two years I am told then you need another option. Its the equivalent of skipping into 3rd when starting 1st.

Yes, in some of the privates a few kids each year start algebra in the 5th grade with calculus in the 9th grade with independent study in college level subjects after that. In some others, the kids can take college level courses after maxing out the math.

All of the privates here have a very strong commitment to supporting less fortunate but highly motivated kids with tuition assistance as well. PG kids have a very good shot of getting into any private no matter their parents' means. Given the choices in the DFW area, I am becoming convinced, after a year of researching this, that the private option should be the first choice for GT kids in the DFW area.

Last edited by Austin; 10/08/11 02:02 PM.