DS3 is loving preschool! He goes to a play-based school for 2.5hrs twice a week. They are semi-structured, but the main focus of every activity is to have fun, be respectful and polite, and to have more fun. One of his teachers also taught our DD and is now her art teacher. She assures us that he is doing great and having a great time. All the other teachers comment about his love for life and that he is one of the happiest children they have ever met.

To be critical, they are covering topics that he already knows (colours, shapes, numbers, etc) but he enthusiastically involves himself with all of the activities. It is such a small part of his day that I don't think he even notices that it is too easy for him. He would much rather focus on using all the red paint and commandeering the drive-on tractor during gym time. He is also learning to be more independent and to use his listening ears and inside voice. I am happy to cover any and all topics that interest him at home. Preschool is satisfying his social needs.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery