My dd (13yo) has been diagnosed both PG and AS. We frequently get "oh, really? I'd never guess!" about her AS diagnosis, but that has a lot to do with a couple of things: first, that she's learned to "pass" pretty well, and 2) that she's caught up with a lot of her delays. There's simply not as much difference between ten (which is how I see her, socially) and 13 as there is between, say, 6 and 4.
Too, she waffles back and forth. We'll go for weeks-- months, sometimes-- when she looks pretty typical and I wonder about her diagnosis. Then she'll have a week when she is constantly letting her little Aspie flag fly. I've heard the same from other parents of teens with AS.
I personally wouldn't revisit the diagnosis until after fourth grade. Better to have it and not need it, IME, than to need it and not have it-- and if he truly is on the spectrum, fourth grade is usually the crunch year.
I don't know if this is helpful, but it's our experience.

"I love it when you two impersonate earthlings."