thank you

For DD4.5, the principal makes it sound like it's pretty much up to her. Today I will schedule an appt with her and ask specifically what she wants to see. She put me off over the summer by saying she wanted to check with her colleagues, but that our District (am I allowed where?) does not have a policy AGAINST early entrance, nor did they have one specifically supporting it, but I guess I should call the district myself then?
For DD8-they did a test called the Raven. I would have to dig it out and look at it, but I'm pretty sure all we got was a wasn't like some of the other tests I'm seeing with multiple areas. What I'm thinking is that I need one of these tests to show that she CAN (and should maybe) do higher level work in some areas and would benefit from enrichment in others. I'm still hesitant to accept that her being "bored" is what is causing these problems. I did request, in writing yesterday, for her to be tested for learning disabilities, but that is at the school.
We went to the regular pediatrician and left with a big packet for us and one for the teacher, then we follow up with the ped again in 2 weeks (and start the same process for DD4.5 and kinder) so should I say to her "I want my child tested more thoroughly" and say specific tests?
Or do you look in the phone book and just go get these tests?
Now the multiple appointments my brother went to around the same age are making sense...ugh!