Originally Posted by 2giftgirls
DD8 tested gifted but we are still having lots of problems with her refusing to do regular classwork even. Her output doesn't match with grades or standarized testing. The counselor at school told me what to say to ask for her to be tested for learning disabilities but I also want her proficiencies (I think) assesed.

Most schools will do a multi-factored evaluation that includes strengths and weaknesses (generally including IQ and achievement testing).

However, were this my kid, I'd also go to a private neuropsychologist and look for subtle learning disabilities. The chances of the school testing getting to the bottom of the problem are low: schools don't test in the same rigorous way as a private tester does.

Originally Posted by 2giftgirls
DD4.5 is ready for our full day kinder. Most people think she's already in. After seeing how DD#1 is sufferring, I feel more than ever that early entrance to kinder will be helpful to the younger. The principal is not against this, the K teacher thinks the kid is ready, but again, the paper trail is everything.

Your district (somewhere) has a standard for early entrance K or for grade-skipping. Find out what the standard is and what evidence they would require. Then, it depends: will they do the testing, or do you have to seek private testing? You should ask them directly.
