TY aculady! I am actually a little surprised they are not pushing for an ADD evaluation, as that is the seemingly favorite dx of schools for kids who don't cooperate with the plan..

Oh here is the wording they used...
"A has concictently demonstrated Basic to Advanced academic proficiency within the general education classroom. Current CST (District wide test teachers use for report card) scores indicate Advanced proficiency. The District is required to utilize a Response to Intervention (RTI) approach in order to address any (eg behavioral) factors which may be interfering with her academic performance before proceeding with a Special Education assessment. The District will also offer to hold a parent conference/team meeting in order to address any concerns."

I guess my problem here is the way they make the assumption that just because she tests well, she must be just fine in there...but my concern is the disparity between the expected intellectual results (which she scores higher than) and the behavioral expectations (which she is at the lower end of). To me, this huge divide itself suggests that SOMETHING (or more accurately, the NOTHING) that has happened for 3 years is not meeting her needs.

Again, luckily I have insurance, so I guess I can pursue this along that front. But also, I think the first thing I'm asking when we have this meeting is "If, according to YOUR measure, my kid is UNLIKE 98% of the kids, WHY are you trying to treat her like she is LIKE that 98%"?

Can you say frustration?!?!?!

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...