In two different situations...

DD8 tested gifted but we are still having lots of problems with her refusing to do regular classwork even. Her output doesn't match with grades or standarized testing. The counselor at school told me what to say to ask for her to be tested for learning disabilities but I also want her proficiencies (I think) assesed. If I have the paper that says she is capable of 4th grade math and/or say, 7th grade reading, I think the school would be more accomodating...

DD4.5 is ready for our full day kinder. Most people think she's already in. After seeing how DD#1 is sufferring, I feel more than ever that early entrance to kinder will be helpful to the younger. The principal is not against this, the K teacher thinks the kid is ready, but again, the paper trail is everything.

I need names of tests that are appropriate for each of these situations, so I can specifially say to the counselor, "I need this or that test". For DD8, proficiency assessment...for DD4.5, kinder readiness I guess?

Where do you get the tests? The regular PEDs doesn't give them. Can you get them from the school? Do they have to be requested by the school or can I go somewhere and say that I need this or that?

And once you have the results, how do you convince the school to base decisions for your child on those tests...which shouldn't be so hard since they are CLEARLY test happy and that is the language they speak these days.


I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...