Originally Posted by Pru
It really does give me chills. Have I really been scolding and resenting what I perceive to be inordinate stubbornness or simple laziness in a child who may in fact be suffering from a real disability? Ouch.

We asks ourselves this same question. Some days, we just can't help the scolding. You get soooo frustrated and nothing seems to help, then you begin to think that maybe she IS doing it all on purpose. Later, the guilt sets in and we convince ourselves that we are expecting things from her that she is incapable of doing on her own (thus far). DD's WM was in the 34%-ile, most probably a reflection of her ADHD. Even seeing it on paper and hearing it from the psychologist, we STILL doubt her giftedness on a daily basis. How can a kid that smart have such a hard time with the smallest details of life??

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery