This discussion intrigues me. I'm still learning, having only had DD8 tested in May. She had a GAI calculated due to low WMI and PSI, specifically Digit Span and Coding, both 63%. A second psychologist gave me reason to believe WMI and PSI might even be lower.

All that to say, when I read these anecdotes I keep thinking of DD. I have lost count how many times we have shaken our heads, scratched our heads, and raised our voices at her because of her seeming inability to follow basic directions for getting to bed, getting ready for school, picking things up, etc. I confess we have both doubted her giftedness on account of this, asking ourselves, "How can this be gifted?"

Mixed into that is of course her stubborness but I cannot believe DD would purposely flake out and do this intentionally so often, given how much conflict and stress it brings to daily routines.

On the other hand, 63% is still above average, so how can I blame WMI/PSI ? Is it because the high scores elsewhere throw things out of whack?