Originally Posted by PipersMom
DD10 has low working memory as well, no ADHD, but AS and Anxiety Disorder. It's a bit ironic for us, she can quote things she's read word for word (close to photographic memory), but if I ask her to brush her teeth and wash her face, she almost always forgets one or the other. She also still uses a lot of "finger math".

I've wanted to jump in on so many threads lately, as I'm about to poke my eyes out because of these very same issues. I apologize if I should've started another thread. We took my ds7 to Dr. A earlier this year. This was the second time ds had been tested using the WISC. His GAI was identical to the first time.

We also came away with with a dx of AS. Dr. A didn't seem exactly sure where to place him on the spectrum -- "on this side or that... he's right there," as in he's on the cusp of AS and Dr. A's recommendations wouldn't change with or without the dx. There have been big social issues in the past that suddenly seem to be getting better as he's matured, so that puts me back where I was when we left Dr. A's office --not really feeling like our ds really fits the AS profile.

Where we see an obvious "glitch" is in math processing. He too does finger math, though I am the one to blame for that. I always used it and didn't see a problem with it. Now I wonder. Anyway, when doing math problems, he seems to be able to skip steps in his head and come up (usually) with the correct answers, but when he has to look at the problems, he sometimes cannot even add 2+3 without writing it down and/or thinking about it a long time --truly! What might be the reason for this?

Since the AS dx didn't really seem, to me, to fit our ds, I began to dig around again. When I found some info on NVLD, I thought that it really seemed to fit him better. The recent link someone put up on another thread comparing the two was great, and again, my ds seems to fit that, if he's going to fit anything.

I read these stories about children with low WM issues, and I don't know what to think. Mine is so much like PipersMom's dd, yet he had a 19 in digit span and 15 in letter sequencing. The only oddity on the WISC was a coding score of 5.

That's all for now, but I would love anyone's ideas on what could be going on here. Is it common for PG kids to have decent WM scores, yet to function as if they have a low WM? What else could be going on here? (Please don't tell me that I might have to clean my house. ;))

Last edited by Mom2MrQ; 09/18/11 04:36 PM.