Daily life with a child with low working memory? Frustrating.

Daily life with a child AND a husband with low working memory? Like beating my head against the wall.

Daily life with an OCD mother and husband and child with low working memory? A recipe for disaster!

Seriously, it is a lot of work on my part to keep my patience when I remind her/them of something for the upteenth time. This school year, DD made two lists for getting out the door in the morning. One is posted in her room for 'upstairs' stuff like getting dressed and brushing her hair, and one is on the fridge for 'downstairs' stuff like eating, brushing her teeth, remembering to check if her face is dirty, and checking her school bag before leaving. It worked great for the first week and this week the novelty is wearing off. BUT, at least I only have to remind her to check her list instead of listing off every single thing she was supposed to do. Semi-less frustrating. Now, she just needs to do one for betime.... and one for her father!

I have a very hard time relating to their struggles. I am uber-organized and have a great attention span. I am trying to work with them instead of against them, and I know they get as fustrated with my nagging as I do with their wandering attention. I selfishly hope that little DS grows up to be like me so I won't feel like a freak all by myself, LOL.

Last edited by kathleen'smum; 09/12/11 03:16 PM. Reason: poor editing

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery