I am also pretty bad at remembering all those details of daily life, although my long term memory is good and I was always able to parrot back the last question asked even when deep into an unrelated book (which used to drive my 3rd grade teacher insane :D). My compensation mechanism has been to marry a borderline OCD and unload all household tasks that require being on time with the right stuff on him.

Since the subject has been on my mind for a while (ever since my son's dismal results on the WISC came back last year, and like PipersMom we have AS and a 7yo who can't get dressed in the morning without 5 reminders), I had bookmarked this:

Increase your fluid intelligence?

Another older article:

Open source software implementing the training:

I haven't tried it, but maybe I should (and maybe I should get my son started on it ASAP).