Originally Posted by Lori H.
My daughter, who lives in Dallas, finds jobs easily even without a degree.

She also told me that one of the things that motivated her to work hard was living where she didn't fit in. She felt people in our town and family were judging her. She hated it just like my son hates it.

In Texas, no one cares what credential you have, just if you have a job and can do it well. When I am in San Jose, Seattle, or NYC, I get a lot of questions about where I went to school, etc. I never get those questions in Texas or Florida.

Originally Posted by adhoc
I've always found work easily without a degree as well, but I've definitely reached the limit of my career unless I go back to school. I'm an IT Manager and I make low 6 figures. Honestly, I'm lucky to have made it this far. My limited social skills count for a lot in the IT world, but I'm pushing my luck without the official piece of paper.

Above that level it becomes political and people also weigh in as to what your value is relative to what needs to be done. So, getting a degree will not help. To go further, you can find a set of coattails to ride or develop sales ability. Nothing wrong with six figures and leading a team well to get things done, though.

To go any "further" I'd have to either write for a living or buy a company. Its a nice problem to have. smile