Originally Posted by Giftodd
I wonder if perhaps we have swung too far in one direction and what's happening is that kids are feeling like they have to follow a particular path to success and either don�t feel capable of reaching that point and so flail about looking for an alternative or, because it actually doesn't suit them, they�re unable to prioritise because their goal is actually not something that is intrinsically motivating to them. I have no idea if this is the case of course, just thinking out loud really.

I think this is right. I've been thinking of my 24 year old sister for this entire thread, as she has been in college for 7 years and is only now finally getting a degree. She finally ended up with an English degree, because she decided to become a lawyer and wanted to work on her reading / writing skills. Now she may not do law school and has no clue what to do with herself.

I remember she played around with the idea of social worker or hair stylist, but these professions wouldn't give her the income / prestige? she wants in life. She is extremely good at selling and managing things and always ends up as a manager at every job she gets. I think she should start her own business. She has no clue what she wants to do with her life yet. I know how she feels, because I switched majors so many times myself. But I took a break so I wouldn't waste more money...