Originally Posted by Bostonian
Originally Posted by islandofapples
Hmmm Has anyone tried The Great Courses? I went to their site and DH and I just want to buy every DVD on there. Maybe we could justify them as a "homeschooling expense." grin

The courses regularly go on sale, so I suggest not paying the list price for anything. I bought courses on statistics and astrophysics for my 8yo boy, and he preferred the little blue books distributed along with the videos to the videos themselves. I agree with him -- it's faster to read than to listen to someone talk. A big audience for the courses are people who spend a lot of time driving to work, who can listen but not read in the car.

And maybe also mamas of infants. I've been really bummed that I can't even finish a book lately. I wish I would have had good videos to watch when DD was first born. I spent hours chained to the couch bfing or letting her nap on me. DH and I managed to watch ALL of the seasons of 24 in the past few months. We'd watch an episode when he got home from work. We'd probably do the same with these.

Maybe I can just buy one or two. Our local library doesn't have any, but I might be able to get them from a library from the closest city. It will be a PITA though. wink