Originally Posted by Giftodd
I read a study somewhere (sorry I can't cite it properly) talking about how Gen Y (in Australia at least) were the first generation where the majority aspired to individualistic, high earning careers rather than careers in service to others.

I don't agree with your classification of careers. At least in the private sector, a high earning career is generally one that provides more service than a low-earning one, in return for which the worker is paid more. By training for high-paying careers, students are not only helping themselves but helping society. If petroleum engineers earn the most money http://blogs.payscale.com/salary_report_kris_cowan/2011/05/list-of-college-majors.html , that's because oil is vital to our economy. The "invisible hand" encouraging productive use of resources works in the labor market as well as other markets.

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell