Originally Posted by Grinity
Originally Posted by islandofapples
The problem is we aren't fully moved into our house yet so there are boxes and random things all over my house. I've managed to make a safe area in her bedroom (when I'm in there putting clothes away, she can crawl around exploring.) Also in her play room and somewhat the downstairs living room that I've blocked off. Our room is still dangerous, though we co-sleep. I feel rather proud that we managed to get these rooms together for her, even though it doesn't sound like much. The rest of our house is still scary just moved in style.
I agree that you have a lot to be proud of. I think you are doing a wonderful job -- moving and having a new baby with an 'extra active' brain is tough!

Here's my advice. Get out the pencil and paper and make a list of which rooms need to be reclaimed and in what order - Let's say your bedroom first. Get a timer. Get the playpen in there and let her fuss for 10 minutes, while you get rid of everything that you don't love or need.

Part of the reason that you can't keep everything orderly is that you have too much stuff. If you have a storage area for the stuff you aren't sure about needing, then it's ok to put it there for now. But getting used to making decisions (and mistakes) about what you do and don't need, who you actually are and what your life is actually about takes practice. The more you do it the easier it gets.

So after the 10 minutes, take her out and play together, then repeat, repeat, repeat as many times as you can. You may want to change rooms each time - or spend half of your 10 minutes on 'maintaince' tasks and half on unpacking.

Flylady has some fun upbeat music to play while you work, or use some of your own, or sing with your child or cry along - but in the long run you will do more good than harm. Tell the baby about why she has to stay in there until it's safe and of course, let her roam as soon as it is safe. After a few rooms, she'll get the hang of it. Or not, but you have to maintain your sanity - and that means a welcoming home that doesn't say mean things to you every second of the night and day.

I have an idea that might work after a few days of 10 in/10 out - invite a mature 12 year old to come over and play with dolls or make art or build with legs or read aloud outside the playpen while your baby stays in the playpen...possibly with the 12 year olds back to the baby. Most gifted babies love nothing more than to stare at older kids playing - the best TV show ever.
If that doesn't work, it's ok to turn on the TV to a reasonable kids show - look for something without a plot, so no dramatic tension. Think Blue's Clues or Magic School Bus. Just keep a timer going to that the balance stays good.

I was working part time when my son was a toddler, so he was in daycare part time - sometimes I let him stay there so I could get some work done around the house - I hated grocery shopping with him!

Best Wishes,
It gets better!

Wow! Thank you for all the awesome advice!!! I am going to do this. I managed to clean up DDs room last night really fast and I'm going to work on some more rooms today.

I want so badly to determine what "enough" is (Your Money or Your Life style) but I find I'm afraid to get rid of anything suddenly. Like, I have so many clothes that don't fit, but when I have another child someday, I am going to need these clothes. It costs so much money to keep replacing wardrobes. Same with all the baby stuff DD has already grown out of.

I wish we could get a house cleaner. DH is opposed to hiring help but it is pretty funny... He came from a family that used to have a lot of money. When they lived in their home country, they ALWAYS had a maid.

My mother in law never cooked, cleaned, or did laundry or anything the entire time her kids were small. DH didn't have to do anything, either. I want to ask my MIL how she handled a baby who wouldn't sleep (DH never did, she says) but she didn't have to do anything besides takes care of him!

I think hiring help for things that we really hate to do and can't seem to get a handle on is just smart. We have a limited number of hours in the day (and I am spending my time while DH watches the baby on here. Oops lol.)