Originally Posted by kathleen'smum
My DD was very much like yours. By two, she had amassed a playroom full of toys that she very rarely played with. She prefered new and novel'things' until they became boring (10-15 minutes). When she was mobile, I completely babyproofed the main floor of my house... everything from my waist down. I packed up breakable items and latched all the kitchen cupboards except the one with all the Tupperware. I gated the stairs and kept the bathroom door closed. Every day, I used her plastic linking toys to hang different toys from door handles and hid toys and books and household items around for her to find. And I got her out of the house at every possible opportunity. We took short walks 2-4 times per day, we had playdates and went to visit playgrounds that were in other neighbourhoods. It was exhausting to stay one step ahead of her. In the moment, I felt like I was doing a terrible job with her. Looking back, I know that I did the best I could.

Thank you. And that is how I feel right now. Like I am doing a crappy job. I feel like I suck as a mother because I feel totally overwhelmed half the time and my house is a mess and I barely pull it together enough to make a really healthy meal, forget about cleaning up the kitchen afterward.