Originally Posted by passthepotatoes
Is there any possibility you could get a babysitter? If that's too expensive maybe a "mother's helper" in the form of a preteen who might play and keep your daughter engaged while you have time to clean or catch up with other stuff around the house.

Also, are you able to get out of the house everyday with the baby to take a walk, park, library, etc? That can really help the social/easily bored kids have some routine.

Realisitically it is going to be really stressful to be in nonchildproofed place with a little one. I'd try to see if there is some short term way to get her out of the house or get her occupied so you can really dig through stuff and get the rest into storage. It will lower your stress a lot.

She just entered that stage where she only wants Mama. Before this, she had severe stranger anxiety (starting at 3 months.) She would wail if anyone held her but me or DH. Now if I get her with someone and disappear and don't talk at all she might be happy with a baby-sitter for a bit. But she can't see me at all lol.

It is very hot here in Florida, but I fully intend to get us out more in the next month or so as it cools down. I have to say that I've noticed her sleep really deteriorates if we leave the house or have anyone over. Maybe it is because we don't do it enough, though...

I agree... DH and I just need to make it our top priority to get the house set up.

Last edited by islandofapples; 08/20/11 09:30 AM.