Originally Posted by kathleen'smum
kids her age that have similar struggles?]
Not really. Her GT classes have been filled with a lot of older high achievers who probably aren't gifted. About 20% of the school is in the GT classes and almost 50% of her middle school will be in the subject accelerated math next year if her class looks at all like prior classes. We live in an area with a lot of brighter than average kids with, how to put this, pressured parenting styles that tends toward many of these bright-avg kids being in GT. I don't know of anyone else with IQ #s like dd's, though, and there was only one kid in her class last year who was probably HG, but this child won't be @ school w/ her next year and isn't 2e.

I do know one other 2e child her age, but the child has an ASD and dd really doesn't see herself as similar and probably isn't.

I know my DD recently found an article in a magazine about a girl her age with ADHD who found out she was gifted. She read the article with her mouth hanging open and said that it was the first time anyone ever voiced how she felt on the inside. She has shown that article to every family member and all her friends. This has helped her understand that there are others like her out there in the big world.
You don't have an electronic copy of that article do you? I'd love to see it and see if it might be good for dd to read.