No, she hasn't skipped any grades. She was kind of an early admit b/c Colorado has a "local education authority" system where every district can set its own cut-off date for starting K and they vary a lot. The latest date in the state is 5 by Oct. 1. We have three local districts and we are on the border of two of them. The various K cuts in these districts are "5 by 9/15, 5 by 8/15, and 5 by 10/1."

The 10/1 district had a 9/15 policy until the year dd10 started and changed it that year. Her bd is right before 10/1, so we started her there and then moved the following year to the 9/15 district. She is, thus, the youngest in her grade. Sometimes it is by a lot (as compared to kids who were redshirted and are 18-20 months older than she) and sometimes by a very little for kids whose bds were on the cusp and who weren't redshirted (1-3 months).

She tends to zone out when placed in situations with kids her age and a bit younger. She's done theatre programs for a while and just doesn't show up mentally if the other kids are acting like typical younger kids -- goofing off, etc. Point being, it doesn't seem to be a better fit.

We've been through a lot of trying to figure stuff out with her. She has a number of things that are a lot like dh and I have no doubt that he had undiagnosed LDs as a kid and he has been dx with ADD. I am pretty certain that her issues aren't developmental and likely to improve solely through aging. They do seem to improve with interventions, though. It is just a matter of getting her to accept the interventions and not view them as proof that she is defective.