Cricket, feeling your pain here.

If you wanted to go this route (and if she were willing)-- either finding a cognitive-behavior therapist, or using CBT strategies with her, might be a good bet. CBT is all about changing thought patterns: if a person is thinking about something in an unproductive way, they can learn to re-frame it. It can help people see and accept "what is" and work optimistically with the limitations they're given.

But if she's heavily resisting you on this topic, you might not be the one who should work on it. Your DH perhaps could, though it sounds like he might need to work on his own reframing first and then teach her how?

Edited to add: a simple example of this sort of thing was used in teaching my DS about his dx: the guideline "it's not your fault, it's your challenge." Means you can't slap your head and call yourself stupid, you see about fixing what you can fix about your work. Of course, it takes some retraining to remember to apply this kind of thinking, and that's where the professional help is handy.

This is such a big job-- you have my sympathy.


Last edited by DeeDee; 08/07/11 04:38 AM. Reason: added a thought